The Greek Ring a trailer to raise money to finance the making of feature film based on the novel by Richard Pim, made for White Sand pictures Tel: 0118 9471115, music composition and sound dubbing by Matthew Foster Mobile: 07786917063.
Beat The Best Pilot made for Nickelodeon, kids try to beat the stars at activities such as skate boarding, produced by Brilliant TV.
Kia Rio a road test of latest cars from Kia to show the dealers all the new features and to help them sell the car for DPC Communications Ltd Tel: 01984624988.
Logica conference for West Media Events Ltd. (now Ideal Projects).
A quick turn round video of highlights of the two days to show at
the end of the conference.
Invest In Britain a promotional video showing why foreign companies should come to
Britain for the government produced by Inter-
Click image to play clip on
A two minute solution This is part of a unit from the 5th edition of Headway a series which helps to teach English as a foreign language using interesting and popular subjects, in this case plastic pollution. It was produced by Kiki Foster for Oxford University Press.
Top 10 phonics teaching tips A recent project completed for Oxford University Press New York office to accompany their phonics teaching resources. All the source material was supplied as PDF files which I then extracted elements from and then animated. It demonstrates what can be achived on an extremely tight budget.
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